Know Your Baby’s Teething Stages and What to Do For Each

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Teething is infamous for being an incredibly testing time, for baby and for parents.

The teething stages take place over a long period of time and can be incredibly uncomfortable for a child. In total, they’ll have 20 teeth coming through: 4 central incisors, 4 lateral incisors, 4 canines and 8 molars.

The long time span can often make things difficult for Mom and Dad. No one wants to see their child in discomfort, especially not when it means a sleepless night or added stress for them too!

Knowing the teething stages and how to identify them when they’re due can really go a long way to making this essential part of development slightly more comfortable.

It’s great to have a plan in mind for each stage, with options of things to try when times are tough. After all–no two babies are the same, so try switching up your teething remedies to see what works.

There are 5 different teething stages that you should be aware of. They start at birth and take you all the way through to 33 months of age.

Learn the teething stages and how to spot them

Stage 1

0-6 months

This is the only stage in the teething process that you don’t need to worry about!

Your baby’s teeth won’t have come through yet, so you’ll be able to focus on feeding them from the bottle and knowing how to stop those newborn baby fusses.

Towards the 6 month mark, you should start to notice the signs of stage 2 of teething. Read on and find out what you need to look out for.

Stage 2

6-8 months

Stage 2 is when your baby’s incisors and front teeth will begin to erupt from the gums.

The pressure of the teeth growing up through the gums will manifest themselves in a variety of ways before your baby will have to deal with the pain of actual teeth.

What are the signs?
Your baby will start drooling more and you’ll notice that they’re always looking for something to chew on. Ear rubbing and fussing are common signs of the second stage of teething, too.

How to tackle stage 2
Make sure you have plenty of toys for baby to chew on and that you’re monitoring the things they’re putting in their mouths at all times.

You can also massage your baby’s gums with a clean finger or damp cloth to help give some of the pressure that will ease the pain. This is definitely not something to try once the teeth have started coming through!

You might find it helpful to keep a bib on them during this stage to help catch all the drool, or you may find yourself doing multiple outfit changes on any given day!

Stage 3

10-14 months

The primary molars will start coming through at the back of the mouth during stage 3 of the teething process.

You can expect to start seeing some upper and lower teeth coming through on both sides–a recipe for sleepless nights and unhappy moods for baby!

What are the signs?
Unfortunately, you’ll be familiar with most of the signs of stage 3, because they’re very similar to stage 2 signs, but amped up a notch.

You can expect to see much more drool, fist chewing, and grumpiness. Your baby may also have a loss of appetite and even a touch of fever during this stage.

How to tackle stage 3
A cooled teething ring is a good investment at the 10-14 month benchmark. It’s also important that you keep an eye on some of the more unusual symptoms of this stage of teething.

If the discomfort looks like it’s increased in severity, it may be wisest to go to a pediatrician to check in.

Don’t forget to keep your baby’s mouth free of drool (hard as that may be), as prolonged dampness can cause discomfort and skin irritation if left too long.

Stage 4

16-14 months

Stage 4 of the teething process is very similar to teething stages 3 and 2. The canine teeth will start making an appearance in the top and bottom of the jaw during this stage.

What are the signs?
The symptoms for the fourth stage of teething are also similar to teething stages 2 and 3. Lots of chewing, crying, sleeplessness and a loss of appetite. There will also be drooling, a very frowny face and potentially a touch of fever.

How to tackle stage 4
You may find at in these later stages, giving the baby some food to chew on might be more helpful than a teething ring or wash cloth. Cooled cucumbers or carrots can be soothing and relieve the pain.

Now that a few teeth have come through, you can also try using the sippy cup as a way to combat the pain. It can be filled with cold water, which is soothing on sore gums, and the spout can be chewed!

Stage 5

25-33 months

The final stage of teething is said to be the most painful. It’s the time during which the large molars begin to erupt from the gums.

Even though it may be the most painful, there’s no reason to believe that you can’t help your baby through this final and difficult stage with a little preparation.

What are the signs?
The signs of stage 5 will be the manifestation of those last few teeth.

It’s easy to forget to keep an eye on the severity of symptoms by this point, as you’ll have been experiencing them with your baby for some time, so make sure you continually keep checking.

How to tackle stage 5
Everything you’ve been trying up until now is highly likely to become ineffective during this final stage, so resorting to over the counter remedies can be good to help get you through that final push.

Frozen fruit might also be a nice way to alleviate pain and get some extra nutrition into your child’s diet.


Having a plan in place for each of the stages of teething is important, not just for your baby’s comfort and development, but for your own peace of mind.

Once all your baby’s teeth have come through, you’ll be left with a toddler that’s looking for grown-up food to enjoy.

Start planning your food strategy and find out how much to feed them and which foods are best.

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