Growing Well: The Benefits of Organic Baby Formula

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Adding formula to your newborn’s diet may help support healthy development. In a study of babies who lost weight right after birth, supplementing small amounts of formula reduced infant re-hospitalizations

But when you want to feed your baby the most natural diet possible, you may think formula-feeding is out of the question. If that sounds like you, it’s about time you considered organic baby formula.

Organic formula is the best alternative to breast milk. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates formula makers to ensure products are as close to nature as possible. In Europe, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has even stricter organic baby formula requirements.

Sound too good to be true? We created this guide to show you how organic formula can benefit your baby. Keep reading for everything you need to know about feeding your baby the organic way.

Organic Formula Can Supplement or Replace Breastmilk

Breast milk often isn’t enough to meet a growing baby’s nutrition requirements. So, if you’re having trouble fully breastfeeding your baby, you aren’t alone. Experts suggest partially or wholly formula feeding if your infant:

  • Isn’t gaining weight
  • Has trouble latching
  • Are diagnosed with jaundice

Many new mothers also have trouble breastfeeding frequently. And some moms face difficulties producing enough milk. 

If this happens to you, don’t despair. The best baby formula can provide your growing newborn with all the nutrients he or she needs. Choosing an organic formula can boost your baby’s health even more. 

Organic Formulas Contain Clean Ingredients

By now, you may be wondering: what exactly does organic mean? And why does that single word mean so many benefits for your baby?

Organic refers to a product’s ingredients and the way farmers produced them. The FDA in the US and the EMA in Europe regulate which ingredients you can put into organic products. 

For example, organic formulas contain little to no pesticide residues. Farmers produce organic formula ingredients with fewer fertilizers and other toxic chemicals. You also won’t have to worry about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) because all organic products are also GMO-free.

However, US-made formulas aren’t always up to these rigorous standards. They could include sucrose, toxic preservatives, and other harmful ingredients. And this fact is often true even when a product has the US organic seal.

That’s why we always recommend choosing an organic European formula. The EMA forbids companies from adding sucrose into formulas. European organic baby formulas also can’t contain:

The best thing about European formulas? The EMA requires manufacturers to include at least 30% of calories from lactose in organic formulas.

Lactose is the main carbohydrate in breastmilk. It’s crucial for your baby’s health because it helps promote natural gut bacteria. Studies show that sufficient lactose for babies also ensures a healthy insulin response. 

Organic Formula Is Fortified

The CDC recommends that new moms supplement breastmilk with Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for all humans, but infants especially. That’s because this vitamin helps build a healthy immune system. Plus, babies can develop a skeletal condition called rickets without enough vitamin D. 

Unfortunately, breastmilk doesn’t contain enough vitamin D for your baby. The good news is that fortified infant formula is a great way to incorporate this vitamin into your baby’s diet.

But Vitamin D isn’t the only nutrient newborns need if they’re breastfed alone. Here are four additional ingredients found in the best baby formulas that can help your baby grow into a healthy toddler. 


Iron is a mineral that supports healthy circulation. Our bodies use iron to produce red blood cells. And red blood cells distribute oxygen, which is essential for healing and many other bodily processes.

Anemia is commonly found in babies who don’t receive enough iron. If your baby doesn’t get enough iron in the long term, he or she could suffer from body and brain developmental issues. 

Breastfeeding your newborn usually offers a sufficient supply of iron. But once your baby is 4–6 months old, he or she will need iron supplementation. This isn’t always the case, so speak to your pediatrician about whether iron supplements are right for your infant.

Using an iron-fortified organic formula can help if your baby needs to supplement this nutrient. 

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Unsaturated fatty acids are essential to human health. They’re also vital for your developing newborn. Some studies suggest that getting enough fatty acids helps prevent later mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.

But not all fats are created equal, especially when it comes to infant digestion. Many low-quality and US-made formulas contain unhealthy fats that can cause digestive issues.

European formulas use organic vegetable oils that are both vegan-friendly and highly nutritious. Best of all, vegetable oils are more natural than other kinds of fatty acids and won’t lead to diaper disasters.

Prebiotics and Probiotics

Many organic formulas contain prebiotics and probiotics. Adding these immune-boosting compounds allows formulas to better mimic the natural composition of breastmilk. Plus, prebiotic and probiotic supplementation in babies can improve brain development, reduce allergies, and even ward off infections.

For example, galacto-oligosaccharides are prebiotics contained in some high-end formula brands. These sugars are nearly identical to human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) found in breastmilk. 

Similarly, many infant formulas come with added probiotics like Lactobacillus. This probiotic is also found in natural breastmilk. 

Looking for Organic Baby Formula From Europe?

Whether you’re looking to supplement or replace breastfeeding, organic baby formula is the best option.

Choosing a high-quality European formula is another way to ensure your baby gets the nutrients he needs without the toxic ingredients he doesn’t.

Think you can’t get your hands on European formula because you live in the US? Think again because Formuland can give you exclusive access to the best formulas in the world.

Browse our organic formulas to give your baby what he or she really needs!

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